The chances are that you have either read it somewhere or heard people say that marriage spells are not needed in marriages if the union is genuine and the parties involved truly love each other. According to Spellcaster Maxim, this is the stance of magic naysayers who do not see any good in magic spells.

While it is true that marriage should be built on genuine love, one must also realize that marriage is a smooth journey — it has its ups and downs and one must take proactive steps to curtail challenges before they degenerate and ruin the marriage.

For example, infidelity has and will always be a major issue of concern in marriage. And one will be very lucky if they don't have to experience it in the marriage. However, you don't have all the time in the world to shadow your partner or follow them everywhere to ensure they don't cheat.

If you have deep pockets and extra bucks to spare, you may consider hiring a private investigator to tail your spouse. But what if you don't have so many resources at your disposal? Are you going to sit on your hands and watch idly as another woman or man takes away your joy? Unless you never really cared about the marriage, your answer to this question should be no


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