Love spells that are guaranteed to work

     I, spellcaster Maxim spellsН, want to warn you about a typical mistake beginning magic practitioners make. Some love spells that are guaranteed to work are described as spells to be cast on a full moon, so they wait for a full moon and perform the ritual at midnight. However, love spells cast at  midnight automatically transform into black magic curses which have well-known side-effects, including magic retribution, infernal entities/demons, damaged karma and fate. 

If you decide to go through with your spell instead of hiring me, a globally recognized spellcaster, remember that this spell should be cast right after the sunset as soon as you see the full moon in the sky. Moreover, the ritual should be completed no later than 2 hours before midnight.

If any of these requirements can’t be met for some reason, postpone your ritual. You may have to wait for a few months though. But if you don’t want to waste your time waiting, contact me and let me cast one of my spells of magic, love spells, any of which is stronger that any spell you are able to cast. I will help you build a perfect relationship with your loved one which will last for years to come. When the feelings start to fate, let me know and I, spellcaster Maxim, will perform another ritual to bring love and passion back into your relationship. Note that with my spells your relationship can be extended for as long as you want.

Below are some points I’d like to note:

1. Put spells only on people who you know in person;

2. Never use texts which meaning you don’t understand;

3. Never use spells which involve blood;

4. Never make any sacrifices while performing a ritual;

5. Never promise anything in exchange and opt for spells in which you just ask for help;

6. Never put spells on married people or people who are in a relationship as the price may be too high;

7. Never cast spells if you’re scared;

8. Pay attention to your dreams – nightmares can be a sign that your spell will have bad consequences;

9. Use love spells that are guaranteed to work available on websites run by magic practitioners with a proven track record;

10. If anything goes wrong, discontinue the spell and never try to recast it.

Let me make something clear about the last point. Often Higher Powers or Guardian Angels keeping an eye on you have no other way to warn you but to interfere with your ritual. They can blow out or flip over one of the candles, for example. They can scary you with a sudden noise or give you another sign. They can also impact your mental body and make you forget the words of the spells. So if anything goes wrong during the ritual, take it not as a failure but as a sign for you to stop.


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