Keyword research tools

A word of caution. Each SEO tool will show you different results, sometimes just a little different, other times dramatically different. Each tool has its way of calculating each metric and some companies have even come up with their proprietary metrics, like Ahrefsʼ Domain Ranking which shows the strength of a websiteʼs total backlink profile, in terms of its size and quality. Keep in mind that no tool is 100% accurate or reflect 100% of the searches being made. And no, not even Google’s own tools. Thereʼs life outside of Google, believe it or not. So the key is to choose one tool and stick with it. Use it to the fullest and take action on the insights you get from using it. Donʼt get stuck trying to figure out how each tool is calculating each metric, or why youʼre seeing differences, or… Keep it simple. Be smart. Evaluate the numbers you see with your common sense and if something doesnʼt look right, look further into it.


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